The Pros Of Long Hairstyles - Fall, Winter 2010 Long Hair Edition
Let me count the ways..999, 1000, 1001.. and the list continues to grow! Yes, I really do mean it. I personally feel that long hair has simply too much to offer to the person wearing it. The list is inexhaustible; so much so that I don't even know where to start. It can be a little biased given that I have always had a preference for long hair. Still..let me tell you why.
Pros Of Long Hairstyles....And The List Goes On

First of all, long hair is worn by just about anybody from the dawn of times. I mean, when you think of the earliest cavemen, were they sporting long or short hairstyles? Sure, we are discounting the fact that they may not have discovered cutting methods or hair care but that is besides the point! Throughout the times, we can see how the long hairstyles evolved – from the 60s to the present. Long hairstyles is a classic timepiece and fashion statement in itself and everybody – from top state officials to singers, movie stars to the common public all wear them.
Next, long hair can be fashioned into many different styles; much more compared to short hair. Hair accessories such as hair sticks, ponytail holders, jewelery together with the right outfit can all be combined to create a sensational fashion statement. Sure, there are some that might say that short hair is making a revival but truth is, long hair has always been 'in' all the while comparatively.
I could go on and on about the pros of long hairstyles. I think would be able to come up with a book filled with photos, personal experiences and the likes but I won't...as long as you all get the idea.
Pictures Copyright of PR PHOTOS
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